lunes, octubre 24, 2005

Palabras de Introduction (y photos)

Autumn in Barcelona seems to be warmer tan usual, maybe trying to fade smoothly into the peruvian spring which should welcome us tomorrow night...

Just a short introduction, before the plane, before the new lands, of the creators of the story...

Stefano (Genova, Italia).. Now living in Tampere (Finlandia). His room has a balcony, reggae and almost got burnt once. He s flying first to Spain to meet...

Sergio (Vilanova, Spain).. Also living in Tampere (Finlandia). His room is in front of Stefano´s. No balcony but lots of clothes and pictures hanging everywhere. He just talked by phone with...

Héctor (Agramunt, Spain).. He used to live in the little cave next to Sergio´s room in Tampere (Finlandia). Now he fills a flat in Barcelona... flying in 8 days...

..this is not Héctor but some typical products from his little village...

So..counting hours, minutes... flight should fly tomorrow... green and red there soon...


At 10:55 a. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

Moro..! You guyz are a bunch of Tamperelainen bastards...
I hate you three, not to mention that I wish you'll keep this blog up-to-date to let us know how you guyz are doing...

As they say in Barna, "Salut y força al canut !"


At 8:23 p. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

hey maricones ya veo que bien vivis, jaja bueno ya he hablao con sergi de los secuestros expres, si vais con mochila no vais a poder correr ..jeje
en serio ahora que tengais una buena aventura y la fuerza os acompañe. Escucha sergiolukskywalker ! siente ese zumo marca dia que llevas dentro!!

At 10:14 a. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

Bueno, chicos...
Desde aquí pensaré en vosotros y os mandaré todas las buenas energías del mundo. Mucha suerte, que no us cal cause you're the cracks, y paciencia. Voy a seguir pegadita a vuestro blog... Mua!!!!


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