domingo, noviembre 27, 2005

Literatura de voyage, what do idiotas read

So, some information abot where idiotas´s heads go while travelling:

Héctor; in Arequipa, sergio reccomended him to buy one: El túnel, by Ernesto Sábato (Argentina). I have also read it (gracias Oliver por recomendármelo a mí una vez) so I can say it is a sick, desperate book; you can find out more, briefly it is the confession of a man that killed the woman he fell in love with. Now he's trying to get over with a tiny-typographied edition of Cien años de soledad; it feels bad to see him suffering in the bumping roads trying to see something.

Stefano spent a long time reading La Casa de los Espíritus, by Isabel Allende (from Peru, I think). In his words the book was really good. I can't say much mre as I haven't read it. Now he started to read La madre (Massimo Gorki), he will do it in spanish so probably it will take a while. He got the book from Patrick in Casa Reggae; La Casa de los Espíritus (in italian) is now in that hostel in Sorata.

Sergio finished soon and sold back his Anna Frank Diary; everyone has probably heard about it so I won't explain much. I wanted to read it after visiting Poland and it was hard and sad to read. Afterwards the other two idiotas told him a bout Coelho's The Alchemist; by chance I found it in the same shop in Arequipa and read it. It is a must to read this book, your head and maybe something else deeper will move while reading. Afterwards I read some Peruvian short stories, just remember one called Pedro Yunque, quite good, and also El túnel from Héctor-Sábato. Also Patrick gave me Borges El Aleph, short stories, I will start it, probably, on the next bus to south.

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