Ignoring the pain

I wake up sick in Carlos place, the 13 hours in that cold plane, a little headache; I can hardly snick out of my bed, while sergio is trying to climb down the high second dock. We both sneeze and keep on "pulling up with the nose" (you know, when the drop tickle your nari...lovely). We look at each other and we laugh, but the euphoric atmosphere suddenly dasappears when I check the shower: cold water only is the response of my recognition, and we are freezing. Sergio turns up serious, i try to solve the problem with some push ups, just to warm up, he does the same and the lack of oxigen must have given him enough strenght to wash up the strongest smell a spanish can produce.
The sky is white, and shaking under the blanket I only remember a frase somebody mentioned before me leaving, pronunced by a sweaty and bleeding Rambo: "I ignore the pain!".
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