About travelling

The 3 idiotas watching Titicaca
Yeah yeah, "Casa Reggae" might have been out of electric support and hot water (so far the water is warmed up by an electric device put at the end of the tube, so if you want a decent amount of water running all over your body you can forget the hot water), the bed of Sergio was defenetely a desaster and ther was no music for most of the time. But that place for the time we were there was full of travel speeches, discussions about all the places the real travellers have been or are going to go, best way to reach, how to save money, where to find occasional jobs to hang on some more time in Latin America. We have only few months, and it seems already that the time is running toooo fast. We met some real good travellers, amazing people who always give me a living example on how easy is to travel if you love it, just saving money and leave, without thinking about the future. I still have the words of Javier in my ears saying "I cannot really think about the next 2 months", there is a place they haven't seen, and thats their destination. I feel like a beginner, and I am already making new plans, thanks to the stories of this people, which make a dream easy to accomplish.
Regarding our trip, we keep on meeting people telling us that going down till the extreme south of Argentina, to get back to Buenos Aires with the time we have is a bit too crazy, yesterday I ended up talking untill 7.30 in the morning with some colombian, german, ecuadorian friends, and a girl from Rome, the second italian I met so far in this trip. One of them travelled by car from Medellin all around the continent, till the south, driving for 28.000 kms! not bad, and he also said that what we want to do is crazy...well..we are idiotas but maybe some change in the plan might come...well see.
Going south Bolivia now, taking it real easy and meeting good people. We had a medical emergency, and I think hector will write about that, but now everything is again smooth, I am going back to the hostel now, reading and resting is my plan, domingo, day of relax!

Titicaca watching idiotas
Saludos a los 3 idiotas!!
Un besote a mi primo querido!!
Desde el 16/1/2006 soy a Caracas...
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