De Papayas y Mangos

From Lima, Internet place where man is drilling something so loud that my head will explode (worse for Stefano, he's bext to him)...
We bought around 10 papayas. Papayas are very good fruits, specially after a trip that lasted almost a whole day. You wash them, peel them (you can do it with your fingers) and then you eat them. It's not that I never tried a papaya before but of course this one was better.
Supermarket chat:
Sergio- No, they are not so god...
Old woman- You don't like papaya?!!
Sergio- No, the ones up there (referring to Finlandia) are not so good, these are much better (before trying them)
Old woman- Ahhh!
So, first morning in Lima; Carlos Lopez, our friend's brother and connection there picked us up from the airport at night. Thanks Angel for your information, I didn t read it until now but yes, we found everything... Taxi home, little chat and sleep -that was it. Since then few things that came along:
Taxis pick you up from supermarkets to carry your papayas! (and it s quite normal)
Message in a car window: Learn the bible!
Cars do Mec Mec all the time (all)
To see my photo in a house in Lima (of course it is the house of my brother's friend Angelito in Tampere
Papayas, papayas
Nota Bene: Please note that I confused Papaya with Mango (that was what I ate).. found it out later one... Idiota Sergio.
Bé, notícies dels aventurers-idiotes, molt bé... esteu vius, sencers, encostipats...(tu Sergio ja estàs acostumat a tenir el nas congestionat no? jeje). Tot b, doncs. Passeu-ho molt bé! Nosaltres ja us anirem seguint des d'aquí, pensant en lo avorrides que són les nostres vides... 1 petó ben fort!
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