My backpack (Sergio)
Do you want to know what the idiotas carry while moving? Here you go the first chapter... Sergio, not such a practical mind
I ll try not to forget anything (as my backpack is now at home) and explain what are my big and little things there:
For Sergio not to be naked (clothes)
Normal sport shoes
Sandals (Menorca style)
Mountain boots (so far still unused)
4 pairs of socks
Black jeans
Extra trousers (long-short)
Swimming pants
4 t-shirts (1 cotton-3 poliester)
1 shirt
1 sweater
1 polar
Rain-winter jacket
5 underwear
Gloves (my Finnish midgeons, one is somehow bigger than the other)
For Sergio to be clean and healthy (somehow)
Toothbrush and all these higiene things...
Some medicines and mosquito protection
Towel (Blue-red)
Clothes soap
For Sergio to create and for entertainment
Pocket knife (Ollie and Angelito's present)
Notebook (traditional, not computer) and pens
MP3 player-headphones
Digital Camera-Minitripod
VideoCamera and microphone
Book- The diary of Anna Frank (not so cheerful, almost finished) Today I got some cheap book, antology of peruvian short tales...
To carry all this
60 liters bacpack (working good)
Green SuomiArmy Bag- getting broken
Little backpack- not fancy at all
Plastic bags- one from spanish supermarket...
Other little things I didn t know where to fit
Sleeping bag, still unused, looks good in the backpack
Travel pillow (one of my favourite objects)
Water container- blue
Tape- for...?
Guide to SouthAmerica

This is it, the one..
Why didn't you take condoms? Ah... I'm a fool. I didn't remember you can't use them now... What a pitty!
Sure the girls find you quite atractive.
hi guys, just thought to let you know you have a reader back in tampere. stay safe,
May 4th b with u ;)
[may the force be with you]
Guyz, guyz... Haven't been in the army, as I can see?
The mother of all rules regarding backpacks: WHAT YOU BRING YOU WILL CARRY !!!
I know, I know, it would be useful to bring all Ste's Playgirls, and all Sergios books of poems, but still, it's long way to go to Tampere...
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