he came!!!!

Yes! Hector is here, and we all feel better...
there is really nothing new here in Lima, I hanged around pretty much these days, made some very good friends who took me almost everywhere, while Sergito "preferred" to stay at home, poor thing, sick and tired of this city he defenetely doesn't like.
I have to say instead that I enjoy being here, there is a lot of humanity, mess and a lot to talk about, about, about everything, from policy to my hair...
Aerport conversation1:
Girl in the customer desk: "I like your hair, how do you do that" (tu pelo me facina...como lo haces?)
Stefano: mmmm
And then we spent almost 15 minutes talking about travelling and the power of internet..
One thing is clear, from taxi drivers to my new friends, everybody mention a sort of "Energy", which has nothing to do with the new age stuff I have been listening in Europe, but its more like a way to express something I still have to define...
Well, this was a fast comment, we have many things to do today, then well go out, finally all together and if it will be time well eventually leave Lima for other places, trying to define what people mean with energy..ok, ciao a todos,
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