
That s how they call in Spain what mama does when children get sick. It took two days of sickness to get a real mama. In the meantime Carlos became an improvised nurse for two grown up kids whose ages added together give more than half a century...
Little Stefano and little Sergito have spent all this time in Lima, almost, between the walls of home.
Stefano: Better here than in the jungle eh...
Sergio: Yeah, let s rest, let s rest until we are fine
Now things are getting better; we ve been out this morning. Anyway Lima doesn t look like the place to be. Noise, stress, people talking to you all the time... seven million of peruvians filling a city that grew up too fast... We still have to spend some days around it but it will be relieving to find the countryside and the mountains. On the other hand our host family is extremely nice with us; shame that instead of two brave southern eruopean adventurers they found two sick boys who spend an average of two toliet paper rolls a days (just for their noses)... Paracas and Nazca seem to become next destinations.
The buses. Here they call them Combis. They are little vans (most of them). Be fast to go in or out... Too short for tall travellers (Stefano already noticed).
Supermarket chat 2 (to be freely interpreted):
Old woman (looking at Sergio s tomatoes): You are provocating me (tu me estas provocaaando...)
Sergio: Yes hehe...
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