updatings from cuzco region

Cuzco is located in a valley surraunded by mountains, its quite touristic, as massive flows of people stop in here as a starting point to visit the ruins, the inca trail and the other thousands of tours you can chose. Ok, but there is something more in here, I guess it depends on how carefully you are able to listen,feel or what ever inspires you.
Moving around the city center last thursday, looking for some cheese, bread and fruit we ended up in the city market and once found the cheese and the rest of the food something found us, using an old lady as a way and her nepew as a call..."hey come and try the san pedro" she said, while we were already looking at this wrinkled and short human being offering us something in a small plastic bag, "you have to mix it with the mate of coca, i use it sometimes and it clears up my mind, only for 5 soles". Fortunately we reduced the dosage, just a bit, as we are not Inka shamans, got home and mixed the dust in 3 cups of of coca leaves infusion, and well, i cannot really describe what happened, I guess you have to try it if if you come toPeru, but the effect was quite strong and lasted 2 days (yes, not recommended if you have to work the next day),
we were really relaxed after all, and full of strengh; ready to leave for the 3 days excursion to acchu Pichu. This cactus is absolutely legal here in Peru, used for mistic pourpouses an not as a mere drug (nobody refers to it as a drug). Apart from san pedro there are a lot of plants and flowers which are considered "special", and according to a lady we met on a bus, the flower called "Ayaguaska" enables you to see your future, but regarding this we don't have no records...
I leave to S. & H. the cronycles of our raise to Macchu Picchu, our amazing and unexpected trip from Santa teresa to Santa Maria.
Last week was really great!
From Cuzco,
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