jueves, diciembre 29, 2005

The situation two days before the end of 2005 (MMV)

MMV, in roman numeros, 2005... It is almost gone. We are not gone, well we are since a while ago, but not moving from here until new year arrives. Situation.. The idiotas are together in Buenos Aires, waiting for arrival of new member (yes, surprise...). It is hot here, very hot, we cannot even leave the hostel during the day. We are eating a lot, recovering after Bolivian diet... Nights are better (Hector says very convinced)...

...and, for your information we announce (with James Bond theme music background)

...New Year Idiotas special article...

coming very soon so keep tune...Stefano will reveal his hidden secrets... Hector will explain wat happened to him long time ago... Sergio will confess what he did once....

Everything here....


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