Being an idiota, disaster from a week ago

(written some days ago, after not a very good day of trip)
I'm writing from the beach (so long I wanted to say that...) In front of me the river Paraná, running slow, behind palm trees and sand. It´s quiet in here, 9 in the morning. I´m staying in some little house, a family rented me a room (pieza) for a cheap prize, enough to sleep and save my few things left.... oui, yes, si, jooo... my first night after the disaster.
It had been a strange day in Corrientes (Argentina) First a hostel I was not very sure to take, expensive and ugly, then a storm that broke trees after months without rain there, then at night some bad food, and finally, later on, while I was sleeping or having a shower (still unknown)
Sergio the day after disaster. In Spanish we call it
Dejarte con lo puesto
!Leaving you whith what you are having on
I like this expression,
at least didn t need much more there...
someone made it inside the room and stole my backpack, money and some things. Fortunately I saved the tapes I am recording, pictures, my diary and documents, and the towel I am sitting now on...
Yes, idiota Sergio blamed and punished himself for stupidity but then decided to enjoy rest of the time... what can you do...
Other News
Boca won the championship and the Copa Libertadores
In Bolivia, Evo Morales won the election (first presidente indigena)
Sergio (from Ituzaingo, Argentina) some days ago...
oh! una setmana sense escriure i ara tanta informació de cop: els camins dels idiotes s'han separat temporalment, t'han robat la motxilla! mm... mare meva!! Bé, espero que lo del lladregot (jeje, m'agrada com sona la paraula) no t'hagi espatllat massa el viatge...
Per cert, que m'encanta en remo remolino i les vostres (improvables però reals) trobades casuals, quina situació més extranya, no? (això em recorda un dels meus llibres preferits, Austerlitz... ja t'explicaré).
En fi... ara ve nadal i posarem el porc en sal, la gallina a la tupina, el pollí a dalt del pi (toca toca valentí), o sigui que continua viatjant i vivint aventures. Per aquí anem seguint el que fas.
Un petó fort fort!
shit, that's awful! but at least you have your documents and pictures... this reminds me of a book: dervla murphy's 'transylvania and beyond'. she had been dreaming of going to romania for years, and 16 years ago, right after ceausescu ran away, she went to romania. she had her backpack stolen from the train at the border as she was entering the country. all she had left was a bottle of whiskey in her pocket... for a few minutes maybe she considered going back to ireland. but then decided to carry on her dream. and she stayed in romania for several months... anyway, good luck and merry xmas!
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