Remo Remolino
Remolino and me did rafting together. Yes, that was the present I got from my beloved two idiotas for my birthday. They talked with the Remolino from Hamburgo and put me~send me on a rafting trip in northern argentinian lands. Fair enough, it was fun, actually quite fun. Remo Remolino is probably now in Colobia; after finding him -by chance- in three different countries in the most unexpected situations:
-ticket lane in Machu Pichu
-little minibus I dont remember where
-La Paz, bus
-Salta, in the streets
I believe he will appear now from behind this table... No, pity... Merry Christmas Remolino. You should and probably will meet up with Remolino someday.

"Sergio is on the first little boat there, in front... I got the special place as the shortest and lightest there"
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