Los chicos eslavos nunca se pierden (slavic dudes never get lost)

First, apologise for being out of communication lately; sure you were eager to hear again, well, here we are and the reasons for such delays are, as you will understand, heavy ones... -end of captatio benevolentia-
While we ran around the Salares de Uyuni, Wojtek, a polish dude who liked the mountains too much (hi Wojtek!) disappeared one night. Jose Luis, our guide, was worried, as it was hgis responsibility to bring all of us back (alive).
Elise was there too... she was a vegetarian for a long while until she went to SouthAmerica... Birthday asado, 4 kilos of meat where cooked...
Well, it was getting dark but Elise, who you might know already (hi Elise, hope you are safe back in Ceska!) -I promise to stop these greetings now...- well she said this words "Los chicos eslavos nunca se pierden' "Slavic people never get lost" So it was, Wojtek came back, happy and smiling after a little bit of night-climbing. That was a long time ago but it was just to explain thath, for a while, the idiotas travelled along together with Elise, a girl who had the patience, and also the pleasure of course, of sharing the roads from Bolivia to Argentina. As they never get lost, she won't get lost either. We are now, well, me in Brasil, the other two idiotas in Argentina. Interested...?
Keep on reading.
Sergio, Foz do Iguaçu (Brasil)
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