quarto idijota reporting

good morning and happy new year!
after recent great losses in resources that this daring little army of idijotas has suffered lately, help from a fellow allie was needed.. therefore, the socialist federative rebublic of cascara is sending it's first man, tito cascara, to continue this bold journey into the depths of unknown.. well, it's still unknown because some idijotas didn't wake up, but once they do, we'll call for an immediate summit, and determine next steps..
btw. outside is hot hot hot! yes, buenos aires is swimming in concrete and sweat, and we're all deeply concerned about various important issues such as
- how much time does it take to fry an egg on the roof of our headquarters ONE?
- are square watermelons really more practical than the oval ones?
- can we really eat this salad from last night, or it's simply a bad idea?
- how and where is tito going to unleash his bag that contains a pair of extremely smelly snickers, and a pair of socks to match it's chemical influence?
as you see, plenty of question marks on this first 2006 post, and that's not the cutest way to start a year, so i'd better go and do continue smoking my havana with fidel
Have people on the street believed Tito does not speak Spanish?
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