a day idiotas turned evil
have no worries, dear readers, one swallow doesn't make a spring, and one day of bad idiotas doesn't make us the enemies of the state, yet.. but these were some bad things that idiotas have confronted with:
note: names have been changed to protect the identity of the real-life protagonists of these misfortunate events
- by putting backpacks into the wrong bus, Mr Domingo, Mr Mate and Mr Maradona caused two busses being late for departure, a nervous breakdown of the co-driver, a forest fire nearby, 2 giant meteors falling in Australia, a tsunami in Greenland and no cigarette break for the chief of the bus station
- Mr Mate ended up almost being attacked while sleeping by an underage girl in the upper floor of the bus from El Bolson.. luckily, as every concerned parent who smells trouble, girl's father came upstairs to see why his little angel doesn't want to join the family downstairs
- Mr Maradona and Mr Domingo had to chase a mother and a cute little girl away from the bus seats, because a mother didnt have seat reservations, so those two poor things had to spend a whole night on one seat, while Mr Maradona and Mr Domingo streched themselves all over the place
- we're stea... pardon, liberating lighters all the time which, to think of it, isn't really evil (but i have to write something, do i?), and we're forced to play that game cause simply everybody else are, plus we're quite vexed with staying out of lighters all the time, so there you go.. at the moment, Mr Domingo still owns a remarkable little red Bic that he guards with his life and honour, and Mr Maradona a purple one, same brand
- for some unexplained reason, last 3-4 days of feeding created a bit of a mess in our stomachs, which has started a huge wave of chemical warfare, so we're terrorizing each other with all sorts of "winds of war" banned by Geneva convention, and it affects the surroundment widely, but it's ok, we borrowed an excellent excuse for this kind of situation from hollywood & us army - they're only collateral damage
evil, i tell you
at last we know from you... what did stefano do exactly. if I can ask... or MrMate as he's been batptised? ;)
sergio, tranqui, stefano is doing fine, calm, taking care of the griup..as a good abuelo...
y tu voludo?
write usd a mail...let us know...
we as usual...stressing up..but not so much..jeje you know
besos carino!
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