Homeless (memory)
(written a day ago while waiting for a bus from Patagonia to Buenos Aires (final target for me)
...leaving now after 3 days of mountain. Almost home. Just came to my head the starting of my days up here. I arrived from Esquel, near beautiful surroundings in the northern part of Patagonia. By the way...
Casa del Pueblo, Esquel. It is an excellent hostel. Ok prize, big kitchen, nice building, good people...
Saludos a todos los que nos encontramos por alla, un gusto...
Much different than the hostel was my stay in Bariloche. Actually it was not a hostel, or a hotel, not even a campsite (without tent and sleeping bag not very doable). The episode is that after arriving I already saw that it was an overloaded tourist town. In fact it is a beautiful place, as a base to explore the mountains around... but you d better book a place in advance. I counted around 50 different places where I called in my serach of roof and floor. No luck. Answers went from No to Not really-Sorry-Full-Noooo-No-No....
At last, when I was going to leave to some expensive place just to avoid the rainy night out, the girl from the telephone place I was calling from seemed to undesrtand my situation and offered me a room in their place. At last it was good, I ended up meeting a really nice punch of people there, it reminded my home in Tampere, and I was a bit sad to leave...
That was Patagonia
Gracias otra vez a todos... Romi, Marcos, Brenda... y a Pato y las chicas de Buenos Aires por compartir techo durante esos d'ias... Cuidense mucho.....

The place.... This table saw one asado, two tortillas and several mate sessions
Sergio, Buenos Aires
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