patagonia travels...

We are now in Bariloche, nearby the chilean border, mountains and cold wind blowing fron the cordillera, spectacular landscapes which I am getting used to in this tripping.
But this is not what I wanted to tell.
The way we got to Bariloche deserves an article, and I guess the other idiotas will do the same, so please don´t get mad if we repeat eachothers...
We were in the camping, the other side of patagonia, we didn´t like it so we decided to go somewhere else. We heard that there was a train which could take us near the mountains and chile, much cheaper then the bus. So we go to the station, early, really early. Nobody there. We go for lunch, we take a long siesta and once back, tatà, the sideway is packet with backpackers, travellers, people hitting bongos and playing guitars. I think...I like this! I go for a walk with two colombians, they are not so friendly, but they invite me for a...which is always nice hehehehe...
Once back we start realising that the majority of the people didn´t have any ticket, so we...there are only expensive first class rides, we think too much and fortunately when hector goes to buy, ops there are no more tickets.
As all the others we jump on the train, and its start our looong hyppie journey (when i use the word hyppie i refer to a mix of easy people swinging heads following the rithms of the music, which filled up the restaurant vagon, long hair, dreadlocks, short hair, no hair, guitars, small big and middle sized drums, singing mostly argentinian classics, and the feeling of being out of the law, but at least half drunk and the most lucky stoned, together with the determination of not being kicked out of the train: "they cannot kicked out all this people" we kept on hearing.)
It was true, the controllers seemed to get the spirit of the train, and after some attempts, they just gave up with the ticket issue, letting us travelling for free, for over 16 ours.)
The locomotive broke up in the middle of nowhere, gifting us a majestic sky (hector couldnt stop saying "you dont see this in europe!!!"), the opportunity to familiarise with mny friends, hearing a loooooot of stories, sharing herbal medicaments, red wine. the party in the bar was really cool, then it was time to go to sleep, everybody got its own place, we on the floor, with the gentle lullaby o the train, dreaming about freedom (at least me), realizing how sometimes so little can fill you soo much.
We were all friends in the train, shaking hands, happy to go for free, in a train I felt densly wet of humanity and bullshits.
We met some argentinians, they are on hollidays, trying to get some money from handcrafts and juggling (dunno how to write it), we followed them in a very cold bariloche, found a place near the lake, under a big concrete ramp, we camped there, lighted a fire, grilled some meet and drunk terrible wine. It was real cold, Tito suffered particularly, but in the end we survived the night.
Those two days has been really tiring, dirty, extremely cheap and in the end very "on the road" kinda style, and...I liked it wery much!
Now the idiotas will search for a camping, trying to wash away the dirtyness, but the feeling will stay with us. (And tomorrow we will travel to el bolson, real cool place, argentinians center of road travellers (what ever it means) we will tell you if it is true.
Very nice picture. I like it!
Nice story too, sounds like lots of fun!! hehehee!!
ste! no robes las fotos de internet o iremos a la carcel! jeje
i like it too
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