viernes, enero 06, 2006

Mountains, Wales and kings

Everytine I am in the middle of mountains I feel immediately better; here there are, many, and again I'm feeling better than in sea-burning hot-side...
Today, by the way, it is the Dia de Reyes in Spain and many other places. Hope any of you got lots of coal (which would mean you haven t been good boys and girls). Me, I didn t get many presents but found myself one. Near Esquel where I am there is a little town called Trevelin which was a Welsh colony. As a consequence the streets are named things like Calle Jones... and there are some places, tea houses, where you -me today- can eat millions of cakes, a lot, many...

And tomorrow, The Larch.... Now, remember:

  • Watch The Monty Python
  • Read The Idiotas
  • Eat Cakes

Sergio, Esquel (Argentina)


At 4:57 a. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

Reyes, Reyes, traédles muchas cosas a los 3 (o 4) idiots! Y carbón para Sergio, jeje! :P
Mire Kaunis.


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