jueves, enero 19, 2006

Some more photos (and below some last words from Idiota Sergio)

Some corner that could be anywhwere (electricity line breaks harmony)

Empty frame in Buenos Aires
Typical photo cannot be bad
Rainbow from bus
Geyser and people
Parque del amor, Ste, Héctor, light, white sky and two people resting without their shoes
Blue in brown background and sky on top
Children in Bolivia, please remind me I have to send them the picture (no computers there)
Salares being photographed

.Sergio, sergium13@hotmail.com


At 3:05 p. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

hola sergito, jo tio he mirao vuestras estadisticas y... OS han VIsto en SInGAPuRR!!! tio el boca a boca como corre.

adivina i termina o rima, dime quin soy jeje

At 2:38 a. m., Blogger sergium13@gmail.com said...

mm.... o eres el Antonio o eres un singapureño... demasié de difisi.. dimelo dimelo,,,


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