lunes, octubre 31, 2005

Still in Lima, Limon

Excuse moi, pardon me for the easy joke; but for me Lima and Limon will go always together. We re still there, for short time here still but... soon time to leave. This morning we said goodbye to Angelito s mama and aunt, gracias otra vez. They have taken good care of us so we are more than grateful. Same for Carlos, we ll still see for a couple of days. Today there was a bit of sun, still I m waiting to leave. Stefano almost got lost yeterday... He ll say more soon. Not much more from me. Thank you for reading.

Desde Lima,


domingo, octubre 30, 2005

Mama, tranquila (2)

Hemos estados enfermos, los dos. Parece que pillamos un virus en el avion (el hombre de al lado no hizo mas que estornudar durante 10 horas.. Ay, me morire en Lima!)
Nada, nariz, tos y dolor de todo... Parece que ya pasó, nos cuidaron bien aqui. Ahora a acabar de recuperarse y pronto a ver pinguinos en la Peninsula de Paracas.



That s how they call in Spain what mama does when children get sick. It took two days of sickness to get a real mama. In the meantime Carlos became an improvised nurse for two grown up kids whose ages added together give more than half a century...
Little Stefano and little Sergito have spent all this time in Lima, almost, between the walls of home.

Stefano: Better here than in the jungle eh...
Sergio: Yeah, let s rest, let s rest until we are fine

Now things are getting better; we ve been out this morning. Anyway Lima doesn t look like the place to be. Noise, stress, people talking to you all the time... seven million of peruvians filling a city that grew up too fast... We still have to spend some days around it but it will be relieving to find the countryside and the mountains. On the other hand our host family is extremely nice with us; shame that instead of two brave southern eruopean adventurers they found two sick boys who spend an average of two toliet paper rolls a days (just for their noses)... Paracas and Nazca seem to become next destinations.

The buses. Here they call them Combis. They are little vans (most of them). Be fast to go in or out... Too short for tall travellers (Stefano already noticed).

Supermarket chat 2 (to be freely interpreted):

Old woman (looking at Sergio s tomatoes): You are provocating me (tu me estas provocaaando...)
Sergio: Yes hehe...

Sergio is gonna like salsa (si beto, salsa pesada)

And in the end it was saturday in Lima, but Sergito was still sick and with Carlos and friends the fiesta started at 7 in the evening. Introduction to Lima by night and first was salsa. What can I say, as I have never been a lover of the salsa business in Tampere, where the faces of people are concentrated on the next step, intend not to lose the control of your body that people here seems to abandon as soon as they start swinging their hips, I so much got trapped in something which comes from blood while the feet follow no rules, no teacher. (My colombian friend Beto once referred to it as salsa pesada!). I saw a sensual dance and not a well learned scheme to perform in a well settled dance floor. It s all about the rythm, thats all you need to understand.
Then we had enough of salsa, jumped in a taxi and got into another place, Etnia, rock latino and reggae and so many other friends of Carlos to meet (I got contacts in Lima...) but unfortunately very little I can tell about this second part of the night, at least in this blog...lets just say I didnt miss Doris last night.

jueves, octubre 27, 2005

Mama, tranquila 1 (informaciones tranquilas para mama)

Todo bien, sin problemas.
El vuelo fue un poco largo, bastante... pero bien, nos pusieron tres peliculas (a cual peor) y habia comida, agua, zumito asi que bien. Estamos un poco resfriados pero creo que se pasara rapido. Luego nos recogio el hermano de Angelito en el aeropuerto y nos llevo a su casa. Vive en un sitio tranquilo y nos esta tratando de bien. Hector llega en una semana asi que de momento vamos adescansar por aqui, conocer a la familia de Angelito y darnos unas vueltas, pronto, por Nazca y Pisco. Por cierto, de momento Lima, mucho ruido, calor y estornudos... It's ok mama 1 (short space for my mama)
Hector llega en una semana asi que de momento vamos adescansar por aqui, conocer a la familia de Angelito y darnos unas vueltas, pronto, por Nazca y Pisco. Por cierto, de momento Lima, mucho ruido, calor y estornudos...

easy mama, easy...(info alla famiglia)

Siamo arrivati raffreddati in una Lima indaffaratissima e inquinata. Sull'aereo faceva un freddo cane, io e sergio non facciamo altro che starnutire e tirare su col naso. Abbiamo bisogno di vitamine, andiamo al reparto frutta e per noi esuli finlandesi è un tripudio di colori e frutti sconosciuti.
Aspetteremo Hector in arrivo la prossima settimana, e via verso Cuzco e le montagne ...

Tutto a posto dunque, fate gli auguri a "nasino" baci a tutti e soprattutto ai picciriddi..


De Papayas y Mangos

From Lima, Internet place where man is drilling something so loud that my head will explode (worse for Stefano, he's bext to him)...

We bought around 10 papayas. Papayas are very good fruits, specially after a trip that lasted almost a whole day. You wash them, peel them (you can do it with your fingers) and then you eat them. It's not that I never tried a papaya before but of course this one was better.

Supermarket chat:
Sergio- No, they are not so god...
Old woman- You don't like papaya?!!
Sergio- No, the ones up there (referring to Finlandia) are not so good, these are much better (before trying them)
Old woman- Ahhh!

So, first morning in Lima; Carlos Lopez, our friend's brother and connection there picked us up from the airport at night. Thanks Angel for your information, I didn t read it until now but yes, we found everything... Taxi home, little chat and sleep -that was it. Since then few things that came along:

Taxis pick you up from supermarkets to carry your papayas! (and it s quite normal)
Message in a car window: Learn the bible!
Cars do Mec Mec all the time (all)
To see my photo in a house in Lima (of course it is the house of my brother's friend Angelito in Tampere
Papayas, papayas

Nota Bene: Please note that I confused Papaya with Mango (that was what I ate).. found it out later one... Idiota Sergio.


Ignoring the pain

I wake up sick in Carlos place, the 13 hours in that cold plane, a little headache; I can hardly snick out of my bed, while sergio is trying to climb down the high second dock. We both sneeze and keep on "pulling up with the nose" (you know, when the drop tickle your nari...lovely). We look at each other and we laugh, but the euphoric atmosphere suddenly dasappears when I check the shower: cold water only is the response of my recognition, and we are freezing. Sergio turns up serious, i try to solve the problem with some push ups, just to warm up, he does the same and the lack of oxigen must have given him enough strenght to wash up the strongest smell a spanish can produce.
The sky is white, and shaking under the blanket I only remember a frase somebody mentioned before me leaving, pronunced by a sweaty and bleeding Rambo: "I ignore the


martes, octubre 25, 2005

L'idiota numero 1

I met Sergio today in his village, I arrived infact in Barcellona and from there I took a train to Vilanova bla bla bla...I told him what I did yesterday and I got as a sudden reply: "que idiota" "what an idiot"...but this will not be published, some of our friends know... what is important is the meaning of being "idiots","idiotas","idioti", and believe me people, I couldn't start this trip in a more "appropriate" way...

lunes, octubre 24, 2005

Palabras de Introduction (y photos)

Autumn in Barcelona seems to be warmer tan usual, maybe trying to fade smoothly into the peruvian spring which should welcome us tomorrow night...

Just a short introduction, before the plane, before the new lands, of the creators of the story...

Stefano (Genova, Italia).. Now living in Tampere (Finlandia). His room has a balcony, reggae and almost got burnt once. He s flying first to Spain to meet...

Sergio (Vilanova, Spain).. Also living in Tampere (Finlandia). His room is in front of Stefano´s. No balcony but lots of clothes and pictures hanging everywhere. He just talked by phone with...

Héctor (Agramunt, Spain).. He used to live in the little cave next to Sergio´s room in Tampere (Finlandia). Now he fills a flat in Barcelona... flying in 8 days...

..this is not Héctor but some typical products from his little village...

So..counting hours, minutes... flight should fly tomorrow... green and red there soon...

lunes, octubre 17, 2005

En blanco

Once I was studying Greek, in high school... The teacher explained where the word 'idiota' came from; the word came from the Classical Greek and it had something to do with something, I can´t remember exactly. It would be easy to google it and find it and explain it here but that´s not the point of these pages.

Here there is the trip to SouthAmerica of three friends who met in a little place very up-far- north called Tampere.

Blank for now, just space for your thoughts...

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