To the dentist in La Paz

Saturday night, I have a horrible paint in my back tooth. Should I go to the dentist? NO!! I and the other two idiotas decide to buy some rum and coke and go out to the disco..."If you drink your back tooth will be ok..." and it was ok during the night but the day after I had the worst paint I've ever had. So Sergio took me to the dentist...but it's sunday, there is no dentist, we didn't find a dentist even in the Central Hospital of La Paz!! But a nice nurse from this hospital told us she could help us; she is not a dentist but she sais she can pull out my teeth, so that's what I need!! I went into this little dark room with a dentist-bed in the midle, old machines and tools everywhere; I have to recognize I was a bit scared (basically because the patient that just left that room was crying...).
Anyway, this nurse gave me an injection to calm down the area and immediatly she takes the teeth and starts pulling out...
- Auuuuu, it hurts!! - I said!
-Ups, sorry I could give you another anaesthesia...
So she did, but it was still hurting, so, as you can imagine, I didn't stop complaining and I let her know that something was going wrong. After four more injections my back tooth was still there and that young woman looked desperate trying to take it out. What about me? I was getting crazy, that paint was unbearable and I was just praying to finish this torture...
Suddenly, a Saint appeared!! A real doctor came and had a look at my mouth (meanwhile the nurse left). He just put one more injection in the right place, took the right tool and pulled my back tooth out in a minute and no hurting...
So now, no hurt, no teeth, no cigarretes, no real food (just for a while) but a "funny&scary" experience for us.
And remember to brush your teeths after every meal!!!
Héctor, Peace